Flight Booking site

A guide to implement Criteo OneTag solution directly in your source code of your flight booking site.


This tutorial will explain how to implement the Criteo OneTag solution directly in your source code of your flight booking site. The Criteo OneTag should be placed in the head and body of each page on your site. Please implement the following 5 tags on your website:

  1. Loader Script

  2. Visit Tag

  3. Homepage Tag

  4. Search Results Tag

  5. Product Tag

  6. Basket / Cart Tag

  7. Sales Tag



Please provide your Criteo contact with a Google Shopping Feed if you already have one. If you do not have one already, please build a product feed matching the Criteo Feed Specification.


Loader Script

The loader script tag is required to enable the rest of the Criteo OneTag events.

Please place the script below in the "head" of your site so it's included on all pages. It only needs to be triggered once per page but calling the script multiple times on a single page will not break anything.

<!-- Criteo Loader File -->
<!-- END Criteo Loader File -->

Visit Tag

Please fire this event on all pages where no other event is being triggered.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Visit Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewPage" }
<!-- END Criteo Visit Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Visit Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewPage" }
<!-- END Criteo Visit Tag -->

Homepage Tag

This tag should fire on the homepage or main landing page of your site to tag users and add them to the target audience.

Please fire this event on the homepage or main landing page of your site.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Homepage Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewHome" }
<!-- END Criteo Homepage Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Homepage Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewHome" }
<!-- END Criteo Homepage Tag -->

Travel Search Tag

This tag should fire on search result pages after a user has expressed interest in a particular item (flight, train ride, car rental, etc..). It provides our engine with specifics about the customer's interests and items they might also be interested in.

Please fire this event on any search result page after a user has entered the details about the search.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended
Flight ID Unique id of the product. a123 String Yes
Checkin Date Departure Date: Info "{{checkindate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Checkout Date Return Date: Info "{{checkoutdate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Number of Adults The number of adult passengers 1 Integer Recommended
Number of Children The number of child passengers 0 Integer Recommended
Number of Infants The number of infant passengers 0 Integer Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Search/listing Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "##Checkin Date##",
      checkout_date: "##Checkout Date##",
      nbra: "##Number of Adults##",
      nbrc: "##Number of Children##",
      nbri: "##Number of Infants##"
    { event: "viewList", item: [
      "##Flight ID 1##",
      "##Flight ID 2##",
      "##Flight ID 3##"
<!-- END Criteo Search/listing Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Search/listing Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "{{checkindate}}",
      checkout_date: "{{checkoutdate}}",
      nbra: "1",
      nbrc: "0",
      nbri: "0"
    { event: "viewList", item: [
<!-- END Criteo Search/listing Tag -->

Product Tag

This tag gives our engine a clear flag for the product a user is looking at.

Please fire this event on any product details page.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended
Flight ID Unique id of the product. a123 String Yes
Checkin Date Departure Date: Info "{{checkindate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Checkout Date Return Date: Info "{{checkoutdate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Number of Adults The number of adult passengers 1 Integer Recommended
Number of Children The number of child passengers 0 Integer Recommended
Number of Infants The number of infant passengers 0 Integer Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Search/product Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "##Checkin Date##",
      checkout_date: "##Checkout Date##",
      nbra: "##Number of Adults##",
      nbrc: "##Number of Children##",
      nbri: "##Number of Infants##"
    { event: "viewItem", item: "##Flight ID##" }
<!-- END Criteo Search/product Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Search/product Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "{{checkindate}}",
      checkout_date: "{{checkoutdate}}",
      nbra: "1",
      nbrc: "0",
      nbri: "0"
    { event: "viewItem", item: "a123" }
<!-- END Criteo Search/product Tag -->

Basket / Cart Tag

This tag helps flag users that visit the cart page. This is useful for having a complete abandon cart audience.

Please fire this event on the "cart" page of the site.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended
Flight ID Unique id of the product a123 String Yes
Price Unit price of the product 20 Double Yes
Quantity The number of a specific item that the consumer has in their cart 2 Integer Yes
Checkin Date Departure Date: Info "{{checkindate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Checkout Date Return Date: Info "{{checkoutdate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Number of Adults The number of adult passengers 1 Integer Recommended
Number of Children The number of child passengers 0 Integer Recommended
Number of Infants The number of infant passengers 0 Integer Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Basket / Cart Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "##Checkin Date##",
      checkout_date: "##Checkout Date##",
      nbra: "##Number of Adults##",
      nbrc: "##Number of Children##",
      nbri: "##Number of Infants##"
    { event: "viewBasket", item: [
        id: "##Flight ID##",
        price: "##Price##",
        quantity: "##Quantity##"
      //add a line for each additional line in the basket
<!-- END Criteo Basket / Cart Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Basket / Cart Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "{{checkindate}}",
      checkout_date: "{{checkoutdate}}",
      nbra: "1",
      nbrc: "0",
      nbri: "0"
    { event: "viewBasket", item: [
        id: "a123",
        price: "153.25",
        quantity: "1"
      //add a line for each additional line in the basket
<!-- END Criteo Basket / Cart Tag -->

Sales Tag

This tag records conversions that happened on site. This tag should fire for ALL conversion events regardless of attribution.

Please fire this event on the "thank you" page after a user has converted.

Field Overview Example Syntax Required
Email Address Plain-text or sha256 Hashed email address. Please pass an empty string if the users email is unavailable. 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4... String. Trimmed, lowercase and UTF-8 encoded Recommended
Hash Method The hashing method used for the email. Please put "none" for plaintext emails and "sha256" for sha265 hashed emails. sha256 String Recommended
Zip Code User's shipping address zip code. 12345 String Recommended
Transaction ID Confirmation or Order # 7654322 Integer. Unique ID Yes
Deduplication Indicates if the client attributed the sale to Criteo. Even if you put a 1, we will only attribute the sale if it matches our normal attribution model. Set to 1 if yes, else 0 1 Boolean No
New Customer Indicates if it is the first time that the user has bought a product on your site. Set to 1 if yes, else 0 1 Boolean No
Flight ID Unique id of the product a123 String Yes
Price Unit price of the product 20 Double Yes
Quantity The number of a specific item that the consumer has in their cart 2 Integer Yes
Checkin Date Departure Date: Info "{{checkindate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Checkout Date Return Date: Info "{{checkoutdate}}" "YYYY-MM-DD" Recommended
Number of Adults The number of adult passengers 1 Integer Recommended
Number of Children The number of child passengers 0 Integer Recommended
Number of Infants The number of infant passengers 0 Integer Recommended


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ##. See table above for more info on the fields:

<!-- Criteo Sales Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "##Email Address##", hash_method: "##Hash Method##" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "##Zip Code##" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "##Checkin Date##",
      checkout_date: "##Checkout Date##",
      nbra: "##Number of Adults##",
      nbrc: "##Number of Children##",
      nbri: "##Number of Infants##"
    { event: "trackTransaction",
      id: "##Transaction ID##",
      new_customer: ##New Customer##,
      deduplication: ##Deduplication##,
      item: [
          id: "##Flight ID##", 
          price: "##Price##", 
          quantity: "##Quantity##" 
        //add a line for each additional line in the basket
<!-- END Criteo Sales Tag -->


<!-- Criteo Sales Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  var deviceType = /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "t" : /Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "m" : "d";
    { event: "setAccount", account: {{accountid}}},
    { event: "setEmail", email: "79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4...", hash_method: "sha256" },
    { event: "setSiteType", type: deviceType},
    { event: "setZipcode", zipcode: "12345" },
    { event: "viewSearch",
      checkin_date: "{{checkindate}}",
      checkout_date: "{{checkoutdate}}",
      nbra: "1",
      nbrc: "0",
      nbri: "0"
    { event: "trackTransaction",
      id: "7654322",
      new_customer: 0,
      deduplication: 1,
      item: [
          id: "a123", 
          price: "153.25", 
          quantity: "1" 
       //add a line for each additional line in the basket
<!-- END Criteo Sales Tag -->

