Criteo Server To Server - Website Events


A Server-to-Server (S2S) integration is the go-to solution for partners that can not or will not integrate the Criteo OneTag JS pixels on their website for technical, legal, or personal reasons.

As a prerequisite, the partner must be able to store their event data locally. A S2S integration relies on the partner passing us first-party data, so a S2S integration is not possible unless the partner can store this data.

A S2S Integration requires 2 parts: (1) the Cookie Synchronization, and (2) Events Registering.

  1. Cookie Synchronization: requesting a unique ID from Criteo (called the "GUM ID" from now on) for each user, and storing this value in the browser.

  2. Events Registering: sending each event with the matching GUM ID and the correct event data to the Criteo S2S endpoint as an HTTP GET or POST request.

The S2S integration can be separated into 3 Phases (divided into 4 parts below).


  • Stored Events: Partner must be able to store the on-site events and GUM ID locally.

Cookie Synchronization:

  • Criteo Gum Call: Partner must request Criteo GUM ID for all on-site visitors and then store Criteo GUM ID in browser local storage and in a 1st party cookie.

Event Registering:

  • Sending S2S Event: Partner must pass Criteo the event and user data using our S2S endpoint. This must be done in real-time or near-real-time.

The image below demonstrates where each part comes into play s2s_flow

Stored Events

There are 2 common setups when integrating via S2S

  • Sending all on-site events via S2S
  • Sending only select events (e.g. only sending Sales Events via S2S)

In either case, the partner is responsible for collecting the necessary on-site browsing data so that it can later be passed to Criteo via S2S.

This is not usually a problem for most clients as their first-party data is typically readily available to the partner in a multitude of formats.

For this reason, we will not explain the process of recording this event data or first party identifier any further.

Criteo GUM Call

The first implementation step for S2S is to request a unique, salted, Criteo User ID (aka GUM ID) for each user.

  • The same user can receive multiple different GUM IDs, but all GUM IDs will be matched to the same Criteo user.
  • This request should be made every time a page is loaded, persisting updated GUM ID values in the browser.
  • This call must be sent client side so we can set a 3rd party cookie on the users browser.

The URL to request a GUM ID has the following syntax:{{S2S ID}}&a=1&r=[0-3](&u=[URL])(&j=[callback])

  • We will go over in detail what each query parameter means later in this documentation.

As an example, if we visit{{S2S ID}}&a=1&r=0, then the plaintext GUM ID will be returned.

Query parameters for the GUM call:

  • c: partner specific S2S Id (used for salting the Criteo UID).
    • This will be hardcoded for all GUM calls.
  • a: 0 or 1.
    • 1 means Criteo should generate a UID if no UID exists for a given user
    • for almost all cases, 1 should be passed.
  • r: response type. This will determine how the GUM ID is returned by Criteo. Should always be set to 2 in production.
    • 0: plaintext (testing purposes only. CORS will block this in production)
    • 2: JSONP

Once the GUM ID is returned by Criteo, it should be stored in a 1st party cookie and in local storage for use when sending events to Criteo.

Format of Request Using JSONP Mode (r=2):{{S2S ID}}&a=1&r=2&j=[callback]

j: the javascript function name to pass the response to.

  • the GUM ID will be passed into the callback function defined as the j parameter which should then process the GUM ID and store it in a first party cookie and in local storage.

Example JSONP call:{{S2S ID}}&a=1&r=2&j=_handleGumResponse

Storing the GUM ID

After the partner requests the GUM ID from Criteo, the next step is to store this ID into a first party cookie and into Local Storage. The GUM ID should be stored in both a first party cookie and local storage to make the solution more persistent.

Sending Events

Sending events via S2S is not very different than sending them in real time (excluding the time delay).

  • OneTag: the on-site Criteo OneTag will collect the necessary info from the site then generate an HTTP quest to the Criteo widget server which will be processed as a tag event
  • S2S: The on-site data will be collected by the partner, then the partner will generate an HTTP request to the Criteo Widget server for each event collected which will be processed as a tag hit. Events sent through S2S should be sent to Criteo in real time or near-real-time (within 15 minutes of the event) as our solutions rely on this time window in order to perform successful click attribution.

The event syntax for S2S events is the same as the OneTag syntax, however, we require the partner to pass extra information with the event to allow the S2S event to be registered correctly.

The URL the S2S events will be sent to is:

Note that this call will return an HTTP 307 redirect response to the domain specified below according to the region:

Region Criteo Endpoint URL

Once the S2S data is formatted, there are two ways to send the data to Criteo.

  • via HTTP POST request to the above URL (data in body payload)
  • via HTTP GET request to the above URL (data in a "data" query parameters)

HTTP POST Requests:

When sending an event via a POST request, the payload of the request must be set to the JSON object containing the event data.

Below is a sample CURL call containing the bare minimum information for a homepage event. Please reference the "Event Payloads" section below for more parameters and events.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "site_type":"m,d,or t",

HTTP GET Requests:

When sending requests via a GET request, you will be making use of the data query parameter. The data query param should contain a URL encoded JSON object containing the S2S event data.

Below is a sample CURL call containing the bare minimum information for a homepage event. Please reference the "Event Payloads" section below for more parameters and events.

curl --location --request GET ''

Event Identifiers

Identifiers must be explicitly provided in all data payloads when sending event data via S2S calls. In web payloads, identifiers are made available through browser cookies, but HTTP requests coming from a server wouldn't have a cookie identifier present in the HTTP headers.

Each S2S event requires passing through an id node in the payload with 1 of 4 possible identifier types inside of it. The types that can be provided are idfa, gaid, mapping_key with mapped_user_id, or email. One identifier is required for any payload (otherwise the event won't be addressable), but only one should be provided in the id node.

If a hashed email is available for a payload in addition to 1 of the other 3 identifiers then it can be passed in the alternate_ids node. Criteo accepts emails hashed with SHA256, MD5, and SHA256(MD5). If emails are not hashed they will be hashed before storage to meet our privacy standards for data. Providing this field allows for cross-device attribution when available and may enable addressing events without a mapped_user_id. Note that the field itself is optional, but the fields in the hashes in the alternate_ids array are all required.

Event Payloads

Every S2S call sent to Criteo will start with the same format. Below is the standard format of the payload without the event declared.

  "account": "",
  "ip": "",
  "full_url": "",
  "site_type": "",
  "user_agent": "",
  "retailer_visitor_id": "",
  "id": {
    "mapping_key": "",
    "mapped_user_id": "",
    "idfa": "",
    "gaid": "",
    "email": {
      "raw": "",
      "md5": "",
      "sha256_md5": "",
      "sha256": ""
  "alternate_ids": [
      "type": "",
      "hash_method": "",
      "value": ""
    ## Event Object From Below ##

Required fields are used to support attribution, address audiences across display environments, and detect fraudulent traffic.

Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
account The partner ID of the account you are sending the data to. Please reach out to your Criteo representative if you do not have this value. 12345 Required
ip The IP address of the user. Required
previous_url The previous, same-site url before the event is triggered Optional (can be sent as an alternative to full_url)
full_url The full url where the event is triggered Required
site_type The device type of the user. This accepts 'd' (desktop), 't' (tablet) or 'm' (mobile) d Optional
retailer_visitor_id A unique Id that is consistent across multiple sessions for an unauthenticated user. Example: First party cookie id 53e20ea700424f7bbdd793b02abcb5d7 Optional
user_agent The user agent string from the users browser. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 Optional
(⚠ can impact campaign performance)
id.mapping_key The unique Criteo S2S key for the partner. If you do not have this, please contact your Criteo representative. 123 Only 1 id type required (requires id.mapped_user_id)
id.mapped_user_id The Criteo salted user ID (GUM ID) returned by the GUM call. crit_abc_123 Only 1 id type required (requires id.mapping_key)
id.idfa Apple's identifier for Advertisers unique identifier. EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606 Only 1 id type required
id.gaid Google's advertising identifier. cdda802e-fb9c-47ad-9866-0794d394c912 Only 1 id type required The users raw email address, whitespace trimmed and lowercase. Only 1 id type required The users email, whitespace trimmed, lowercase and MD5 hashed. 7328fddefd53de471baeb6e2b764f78a Only 1 id type required The users email, whitespace trimmed, lowercase and SHA256 hashed. 97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152 Only 1 id type required The users email, whitespace trimmed, lowercase, MD5 hashed then SHA256 hashed. 9561c3516f02f51fa0ac38e9c81df0157ebab90d59ebde6fcf0f128f06a66423 Only 1 id type required
alternate_ids An array of hashed email data associated to the event See below for example values Optional

The table below has the values required to populate elements in the alternate_ids array with hashed email(s). Note that the alternate_ids field itself is optional, but the fields in the hashes in the "alternate_ids" array are all required for each hash in the array.

Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
type The type of identifier data passed. Should be set to "email". email Required
hash_method The method used for hashing the email. "sha256", "sha256_md5", "md5", or "none" are the only acceptable values. sha256 Required
value A SHA256, SHA256(MD5), or MD5 hashed email address associated to the event with whitespace trimmed, and lowercase 97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152 Required

Please reference the other sections below to populate the events array with tags.

Standard Web Events:

Visit Event
  "event": "viewPage",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
Login Event
  "event": "login",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
Homepage Event
  "event": "viewHome",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
Listing Event
  "event": "viewList",
  "item": [ 
    "##Product Id 1##", 
    "##Product Id 2##", 
    "##Product Id 3##" 
  "category": "",
  "keywords": ""
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
item An array of the top 3 products on the listing page a user visited. ["##Product Id 1##", "##Product Id 2##", "##Product Id 3##"] Required
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
category The category of the listing page. This should match the category information passed in the product feed. shoes > men's shoes > nike Optional
keyword The searched keyword of the search listing page. blue shirt Optional
Product Event
  "event": "viewItem",
  "item": "#Product Id#",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
item The product ID of the product the user looked at. 1234 Required
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
Add To Cart Event
  "event": "addToCart",
  "currency": "",
  "item": [
      "id": "##Product Id##", 
      "price": "##Price##", 
      "quantity": "##Quantity##" 
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the tags. USD Optional The product ID of the product the user added to the cart. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the product the user added to the cart. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the product the user added to the cart. 2 Required
Basket Event
  "event": "viewBasket",
  "currency": "",
  "item": [
      "id": "##Product Id 1##", 
      "price": "##Price##", 
      "quantity": "##Quantity##" 
      "id": "##Product Id 2##", 
      "price": "##Price##", 
      "quantity": "##Quantity##" 
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the tags. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the cart. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the cart. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the cart. 2 Required
Begin Checkout Event
  "currency": "",
      "id":"#Product ID#",
      "price":"#unit price#",
      "quantity": "#quantity#"
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the tags. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the cart. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the cart. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the cart. 2 Required
Add Payment Info Event
  "event": "addPaymentInfo",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
Sales Event
  "dd": "",
  "currency": "",
      "id":"#Product ID#",
      "price":"#unit price#",
      "quantity": "#quantity#"
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
id The order ID used to identify a given order. ord-1234 Required
dd Populate this with a 1 if you want the sale to be attributed to Criteo or a 0 if you do not. We will still only attribute the sale to Criteo if the order should have been attributed to us via our normal attribution. 1 Optional
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the tags. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the cart. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the cart. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the cart. 2 Required

Travel Specific Events:

Search Event
  "checkin_date": "",
  "checkout_date": "",
  "nbra": "",
  "nbrc": "",
  "nbri": "",
  "nbrr": "",
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
checkin_date The check in date the user submitted. 2017-06-02 Optional
checkout_date The check out date the user submitted. 2017-06-02 Optional
nbra The number of adults searched for. 2 Optional
nbrc The number of children searched for. 2 Optional
nbri The number of infants searched for. 2 Optional
nbrr The number of rooms searched for. 1 Optional

Store Specific Events:

View Store Event
  "store_id": ""
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
store_id The store id as passed to us in the feed. A734Gd87 Optional
Availability In Store Event
  "store_id": [],
  "item": ""
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
store_id The store id as passed to us in the feed. This is an array for stores with the product available. ["A734Gd87","A734Gd897"] Optional
item The unique ID of the product. 1234abc Required
Reserve In Store Event
  "event": "reserveInStore",
  "store_id": "",
  "currency": "",
  "item": [ 
      "id": "", 
      "quantity": "", 
      "price": "" 
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
store_id The store id as passed to us in the feed. This is an array for stores with the product available. ["A734Gd87","A734Gd897"] Optional
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the tags. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the cart. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the cart. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the cart. 2 Required
Click and Collect
  "event": "trackTransaction",
  "id": "", 
  "delivery": "store", 
  "store_id": "",
  "currency": "",
  "item": [  
      "id": "", 
      "quantity": "", 
      "price": "" }                                            
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Optional (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
id The order ID used to identify a given order. ord-1234 Required
store_id The store id as passed to us in the feed. A734Gd87 Optional
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the call. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the order. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the order. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the order. 2 Required
Offline Sales
  "event": "trackTransaction",
  "id": "", 
  "user_segment": 19,
  "store_id": "",
  "currency": "",
  "item": [  
      "id": "", 
      "quantity": "", 
      "price": "" }                                            
Parameter Explanation Sample Input Required?
timestamp The timestamp the event happened for the user.

Valid formats:
UNIX timestamp
2017-06-02T12:24:10Z Mandatory (if not provided, defaults to the time when Criteo receives the event)
id The order ID used to identify a given order. ord-1234 Required
store_id The store id as passed to us in the feed. A734Gd87 Optional
currency The ISO code of the currency being passed to the call. USD Optional The product ID of the products in the order. 1234 Required
item.price The unit price of the products in the order. 12.50 Required
item.quantity The quantity of the products in the order. 2 Required

Troubleshooting Responses

The widget call will always return a 200 response. You will need to reference the payload or lack there of to determine if the call was successful or not.

With successful responses, you will receive the response below:

    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []

If you receive errors in the response or an empty response, there is possibly an issue with the format of the data payload in the request.

It's possible you will receive a UserIdentifierMissing error like the one below. This error signifies that the email identifier is either being passed improperly or is missing.

To address this, please confirm that exactly 1 of the 4 required identifiers are getting passed through in the id node of the payload. Ensure that email is passed through the alternate_ids array if it is passed in addition to another identifier. If everything is getting sent correctly, disregard this message as it will be returned for events without email provided through alternate_ids in addition to an identifier provided in id. Sending email is not mandatory for a successfully recorded event and the message can be ignored when another valid identifier is provided.

Please refer to the examples below for more detail on identifier formatting.

    "errors": [
    "warnings": []

When passing a hashed email together with another type of identifier make sure hashed email is passed in a hash in the alternate_ids array and not in the id node to ensure proper user-event association.

  "account": "{{Criteo Account ID}}",
  "ip": "{{User IP}}",
  "id": {
    "mapping_key": "{{GUM Mapping Key}}",
    "mapped_user_id": "{{GUM Mapped User ID}}",
    "email": {
      "sha256": "97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152"
  "alternate_ids": [
      "type": "email",
      "hash_method": "sha256",
      "value": "97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152"
      "event": "viewPage",

If hashed email is available for an event, but mapped_user_id is not available, be sure to pass in hashed email as the primary identifier for the event by including it in the id node instead of the alternate_ids node. Passing through an empty or undefined mapped_user_id with a hashed email in the alternate_ids node will result in the event being associated to a nonexistent user.

  "account": "{{Criteo Account ID}}",
  "ip": "{{User IP}}",
  "id": {
    "mapping_key": "{{GUM Mapping Key}}",
    "mapped_user_id": "",  //empty string or undefined
    "email": {
      "sha256": "97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152"
  "alternate_ids": [
      "type": "email",
      "hash_method": "sha256",
      "value": "97817c0c49994eb500ad0a5e7e2d8aed51977b26424d508f66e4e8887746a152"
      "event": "viewPage",

With our S2S solution, we give partners the ability to pass us GDPR consent through the GUM call or Event call. If you pass the GDPR consent through the GUM call, you do not need to pass it in the event call.

If you send the below two additional query params in the GUM call and the user has consented to Criteo tracking, we will return a GUM ID so the event can be recorded on the Criteo side. If the user has not consented to Criteo tracking, you will not receive a UID in the response. If you use this method, it is not required to send the GDPR query parameters in the event calls. If no UID is returned in this GUM call, we will still want the event but you can send the event without a UID.

The two query parameters are below:

Parameter Explanation Sample Input
gdpr This parameter lets Criteo know that GDPR applies to this user. This should be set to 1 if GDPR applies and 0 if not. 1
gdpr_consent This parameter contains the TCF consent string and will be considered if gdpr=1 is sent in the gdpr query param. CO_7cUEO_7cUEAGABCENBICgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA.YAAAAAAAAAAA

A sample GUM call with the above query params looks like the below:{{S2S ID}}&a=1&r=2&j=_handleGumResponse&gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=CO_7cUEO_7cUEAGABCENBICgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA.YAAAAAAAAAAA

If you choose to pass GDPR consent in the event call, you will need to add 3 query parameters to the widget endpoint. If the user has not consented to Criteo tracking, the event will be sent anonymously without the user's UID. If no UID was returned in the GUM call, you can still send the event without a UID. These query parameters are described below:

Parameter Explanation Sample Input
gra A flag to let Criteo know GDPR applies to this call. This should be a 1 if the two parameters below are populated, 0 if they are absent. 1
grs This parameter contains the TCF consent string. CO_7cUEO_7cUEAGABCENBICgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA.YAAAAAAAAAAA
grv This parameter is present only for TCF v2 and contains the TCF version, i.e. grv=2. For TCF v1.1 this parameter will not be present 2

A sample (event) url for a POST or GET call with the above query params looks like the below (excluding the POST payload and GET data query parameter):