GTM - Criteo Datalayer - Manual Implementation

A guide to implement the Criteo dataLayer on your site and set up the variables, triggers and tags in GTM.


This guide will explain the setup of the Criteo dataLayer as well as the implementation of the Tags, Triggers, and Variables in GTM.


The Criteo dataLayer is a javascript variable that needs to push all required information. It needs to be declared on each page of your site in the source code. The Criteo dataLayer should be implemented on the following 5 page types on your website:

  1. Homepage

  2. Category / Listing

  3. Product

  4. Basket / Cart

  5. Sales


Tags, Triggers, and Variables

After the Criteo dataLayer is implemented, you will need to setup the following in your GTM:

  1. Variables

  2. Triggers

  3. Tags



Install the following dataLayer on the homepage of your website. Example URL: {{homepageurl}}

Field Overview Example Syntax
event Page type event crto_homepage Static string value
email Plain-text or MD5 Hash 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 String. Trimmed and lowercase 32 character, encoded in UTF-8


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ## with users information. See Example

<!-- Criteo Homepage dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_homepage',
        crto: {
            email: '##Users Email##' //can be empty string if email not known
<!-- END Criteo Homepage dataLayer -->


<!-- Criteo Homepage dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_homepage',
        crto: {
            email: ''
<!-- END Criteo Homepage dataLayer -->

Category / Listing

Install the following dataLayer on the listing, category, and search results pages of your website. Example URL: {{homepageurl}}/category?id=categoryid1

Field Overview Example Syntax
event Page type event crto_listingpage Static string value
email Plain-text or MD5 Hash 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 String. Trimmed and lowercase 32 character, encoded in UTF-8
Product ID unique ID of Product ProductID_1 String


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ## with users information. See Example

<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_listingpage',
        crto: {
            email: '##Users Email##', //can be empty string if email not known
            products: ['##Product ID 1##', '##Product ID 2##', '##Product ID 3##']
<!-- END Criteo Category / Listing dataLayer -->


<!-- Criteo Category / Listing dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_listingpage',
        crto: {
            email: '',
            products: ['ProductID_1', 'ProductID_2', 'ProductID_3']
<!-- END Criteo Category / Listing dataLayer -->


Install the following dataLayer on the product detail pages of your website. Example URL: {{homepageurl}}/product?id=productid_1

Field Overview Example Syntax
event Page type event crto_productpage Static string value
email Plain-text or MD5 Hash 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 String. Trimmed and lowercase 32 character, encoded in UTF-8
Product ID unique ID of Product ProductID_1 String


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ## with users information. See Example

<!-- Criteo Product dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_productpage',
        crto: {
            email: '##Users Email##', //can be empty string if email not known
            products: ['##Product ID 1##']
<!-- END Criteo Product dataLayer -->


<!-- Criteo Product dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_productpage',
        crto: {
            email: '',
            products: ['ProductID_1']
<!-- END Criteo Product dataLayer -->


Install the following dataLayer on the cart or basket page of your website. Example URL: {{homepageurl}}/cart

Field Overview Example Syntax
event Page type event crto_basketpage Static string value
email Plain-text or MD5 Hash 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 String. Trimmed and lowercase 32 character, encoded in UTF-8
Product ID unique ID of Product ProductID_1 String
price unit price of product 200.99 String or Integer, excluding the currency symbol
quantity number of units added 2 Integer


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ## with users information. See Example

<!-- Criteo Basket/Cart dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_basketpage',
        crto: {             
            email: '##Users Email##',  //can be empty string if email not known
            products: [{
                id: '##Product ID 1##',
                price: '##Product Unit Price##',
                quantity: '##Number of Units##'
            }] //add new object for each product added to cart.
<!-- END Criteo Basket/Cart dataLayer -->


<!-- Criteo Basket/Cart dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_basketpage',
        crto: {
            email: '',
            products: [{
                id: 'ProductID_1',
                price: '200.99',
                quantity: '2'
                price: '50.00',
                quantity: '1'
<!-- END Criteo Basket/Cart dataLayer -->


Install the following dataLayer on the sales confirmation or Thank You page of your website. Example URL: {{homepageurl}}/thankyou

Field Overview Example Syntax
event Page type event crto_transactionpage Static string value
email Plain-text or MD5 Hash 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 String. Trimmed and lowercase 32 character, encoded in UTF-8
Product ID unique ID of Product ProductID_1 String
price unit price of product 200.99 String or Integer, excluding the currency symbol
quantity number of units added 2 Integer
transactionid Confirmation or Order # 7654322 Integer. Unique ID


Dynamically replace fields surrounded by ## with users information. See Example

<!-- Criteo Sales dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_transactionpage',
        crto: {
            email: '##Users Email##',  //can be empty string if email not known   
            transactionid: '##Order Number##',
            products: [{
                id: '##Product ID 1##',
                price: '##Product Unit Price##',
                quantity: '##Number of Units##'
            }] //add new object for each product added to cart.
<!-- END Criteo Sales dataLayer -->


<!-- Criteo Sales dataLayer -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];
        event: 'crto_transactionpage',
        crto: {             
            email: '',
            transactionid: 'ORD00001',
            products: [{
                id: 'ProductID_1',
                price: '200.99',
                quantity: '2'
                price: '50.00',
                quantity: '1'
<!-- END Criteo Sales dataLayer -->



1 Click on Variables > New 14

2 Create the following 6 variables:


Criteo Email

  • Add the name Criteo Email
  • Select the Variable type Data Layer Variable
  • Add the Data Layer Varaible Name:
  • Save the Variable 16

Criteo Product IDs

  • Add the name Criteo Product IDs
  • Select the Variable type Custom JavaScript
  • Add the following code
function () {
    var products = {{Criteo Products}};
    var ids = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length && i < 3; i++) {
        if (typeof products[i] == 'object') {
            if (products[i].hasOwnProperty('id')) {
        } else if (typeof products[i] == 'number' || typeof products[i] == 'string') {
    return ids;
  • Save the Variable 17

Criteo Products

  • Add the name Criteo Products
  • Select the Variable type Data Layer Variable
  • Add the Data Layer Varaible Name: crto.products
  • Save the Variable 18

Criteo Site Type

  • Add the name Criteo Site Type
  • Select the Variable type Custom JavaScript
  • Add the following code
  return /iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent)?"t":/Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Silk/.test(navigator.userAgent)?"m":"d";
  • Save the Variable 19

Criteo Transaction ID

  • Add the name Criteo Transaction ID
  • Select the Variable type Data Layer Variable
  • Add the Data Layer Varaible Name: crto.transactionid
  • Save the Variable 19


  • Add the name CriteoPartnerID
  • Select the Variable type Constant
  • Add the Value: {{accountid}}
  • Save the Variable 20



  1. Click on Triggers > New 7

  2. Create the 5 Triggers for each page type:

    • Criteo Homepage Trigger
      • Trigger type: Custom Event
      • Event name: crto_homepage
      • Condition: Event equals crto_homepage
    • Criteo Listingpage Trigger
      • Trigger type: Custom Event
      • Event name: crto_listingpage
      • Condition: Event equals crto_listingpage
    • Criteo Productpage Trigger
      • Trigger type: Custom Event
      • Event name: crto_productpage
      • Condition: Event equals crto_productpage
    • Criteo Basketpage Trigger
      • Trigger type: Custom Event
      • Event name: crto_basketpage
      • Condition: Event equals crto_basketpage
    • Criteo Transactionpage Trigger
      • Trigger type: Custom Event
      • Event name: crto_transactionpage
      • Condition: Event equals crto_transactionpage
  3. Give the Trigger a name. Example: Criteo Homepage Trigger

  4. Choose trigger type Custom Event 9

  5. Set the Event name to the corresponding dataLayer event for each trigger. Example: crto_homepage 10

  6. Set the trigger conditions to the following for each page type: 11

  7. Save the trigger 12

  8. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for each of the 5 triggers 13



1 Click on New Tag 1

2 Give the Tag a name from the list below

3 Choose tag type Custom HTML 3

4 Copy and paste the following code in the HTML frame 4

Criteo Homepage Tag

<!-- Criteo GTM Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  { event: "setAccount", account: {{CriteoPartnerID}} },
  { event: "setEmail", email: {{Criteo Email}} },
  { event: "setSiteType", type: {{Criteo Site Type}} },
  { event: "viewHome", tms: "gtm-criteo-2.0.0" }
<!-- End Criteo GTM Tag -->

Criteo Listing Tag

<!-- Criteo GTM Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  { event: "setAccount", account: {{CriteoPartnerID}} },
  { event: "setEmail", email: {{Criteo Email}} },
  { event: "setSiteType", type: {{Criteo Site Type}} },
  { event: "viewList", tms: "gtm-criteo-2.0.0", item: {{Criteo Product IDs}} }
<!-- End Criteo GTM Tag -->

Criteo Product Tag

<!-- Criteo GTM Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  { event: "setAccount", account: {{CriteoPartnerID}} },
  { event: "setEmail", email: {{Criteo Email}} },
  { event: "setSiteType", type: {{Criteo Site Type}} },
  { event: "viewItem", tms: "gtm-criteo-2.0.0", item: {{Criteo Products}} }
<!-- End Criteo GTM Tag -->

Criteo Basket Tag

<!-- Criteo GTM Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  { event: "setAccount", account: {{CriteoPartnerID}} },
  { event: "setEmail", email: {{Criteo Email}} },
  { event: "setSiteType", type: {{Criteo Site Type}} },
  { event: "viewBasket", tms: "gtm-criteo-2.0.0", item: {{Criteo Products}} }
<!-- End Criteo GTM Tag -->

Criteo Transaction Tag

<!-- Criteo GTM Tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
  { event: "setAccount", account: {{CriteoPartnerID}} },
  { event: "setEmail", email: {{Criteo Email}} },
  { event: "setSiteType", type: {{Criteo Site Type}} },
  { event: "trackTransaction", tms: "gtm-criteo-2.0.0", id: {{Criteo Transaction ID}}, item: {{Criteo Products}} }
<!-- End Criteo GTM Tag -->

5 Save the tag 5

6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 for each of the 5 Criteo tags 6

